Ivonne González, Ph.D.

Dr. Ivonne González-Gamboa is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Biomedical Engineering Group at Tec de Monterrey. Ivonne began to pursue a career in science while studying her bachelor degree in Biotechnology Engineering with a minor in Research and Innovation at Tec de Monterrey. She later obtained a Fundación Carolina Fellowship to do a M.Sc. in Agrobiotechnology at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

In order to further develop the expertise needed to merge her knowledge in plant viruses and biomedical applications, she pursued a Ph.D. in Bionanotechnology, endorsed by a CONACYT Scholarship, under the direction of Dr. Fernando Ponz, graduating in September 2017 with a Cum Laude mention. Her research has been featured in high-ranked journals regarding bionanotechnology and its applications in diagnostics and immunization. Currently, her work is centered on developing chemically-modified viral nanoparticles (VNPs) as biomaterials for tissue regeneration and control release, as well as microfluidic devices for cancer-on-chip applications.

Contact: [email protected].